Feb 14, 2021 Uncategorized

How To Write A Blog Post Series To Launch Your Course

There are several ways to warm up your audience for your course launch. You’re smart. You know that launching takes some preparation.

Throwing your course out there to a cold audience can be hit or miss. But when you prime them for your course launch you can have some great results.

One great way to warm up your audience is to write a blog series to introduce your course.

But writing a blog series doesn’t have to be complicated.

This post will help demystify the process. And I have some valuable tips to make it all flow smoother and quicker than ever.

If you're used to writing 2,000 word blog posts I understand how a series of posts can be intimidating. When you do the math, a series of just 3 posts can run anywhere from 6,000-10,000+ words.


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